Byrdle What is it? Game Inspired by Wordle

An estimated 2.5 million people use Wordle every day. The success of a player in Byrdle depends on their acquaintance with musical registers, while Wordle examines a player’s knowledge of a variety of words, Byrdle concentrates on testing musical terminology.
Like wordle, Byrdle is web-based and doesn’t need users to download any apps. The UI and regulations of the game are both exactly the same. You must correctly identify a five-letter word connected to classical music using a few clues in order to win a daily game of byrdle.
Five guesses are permitted at a time, after which the right letters are revealed as the letter tiles turn.
If the tiles become green, they have been arranged properly. If, however, they become yellow, it indicates that the letters are there but are misaligned inside the word. Last but not least, if the letters are grey, they are incorrect. Oops!
Players are given a limited amount of time to guess the right byrdle by mimicking Wordle’s 24-hour challenge. A fresh task is then presented. Now that you are aware of what byrdle results on your Twitter timeline denote, you can better understand them.