Stacey Park Milbern: A Shining Star in the Darkness

Stacey Park Milbern or Stace as she prefers to be called – has been fighting the good fight since she was barely out of high school. As the daughter of renowned environmentalist Michael Milbern, Stace spent much of her childhood traveling around the world with her father, who worked tirelessly on behalf of environmental protection in Canada and abroad. Although her father founded Green Peace, Stace wasn’t actually allowed to join the organization because at 16 years old she wasn’t yet old enough to become a member!
Who Is Stacey?
Stacey Park Milbern is a PhD candidate in the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of California, Riverside. She is also a Visiting Scholar at the Center for the Study of Whiteness at Vanderbilt University. Her research interests include critical race theory, whiteness studies, and qualitative methods. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, spending time with her family, and playing with her two cats, Jasper and Miley.
Her Story
Stacey Park Milbern was born on October 1, 1984 in Seoul, South Korea. She was abandoned by her birth parents and spent the first six years of her life in an orphanage. When she was adopted by an American family, she moved to the United States and grew up in Virginia. As a child, Stacey struggled with adjusting to her new culture and feeling like she belonged. But she persevered, and went on to graduate from college and law school. Today, Stacey is a civil rights attorney fighting for justice. She is also a passionate advocate for adoptees’ rights, and works to raise awareness about the challenges they face. Stacey is a shining star in the darkness, and an inspiration to us all.
The Treatment Journey
Stacey Park Milbern is a shining star in the darkness that is cancer. Stacey was diagnosed with cancer at just twenty-three years old. Despite the odds, Stacey fought bravely and won her battle. Today, she is cancer-free and sharing her story to help others.
Advice for youth
Despite what you may see on the news, society is not falling apart. Yes, there are bad people in the world, but there are also an innumerable amount of good people working hard to make a difference. One of those good people can be you.. It starts with making a commitment to yourself and your community. Pick up litter, get involved in local politics, or start a petition; no act is too small. Once you take that first step, it will become easier and more rewarding to continue taking steps towards making the world a better place.
Struggles With Self-Esteem and Depression
Stacey Park Milbern is a shining star in the darkness of mental illness. The young artist has been diagnosed with both self-esteem and depression, but she has used her creativity and passion to fuel her recovery. In an interview, Milbern said that art has been essential to her healing process. It’s like a form of self-care for me, she said. I can’t not do it. When asked about how she wants to be remembered, Milbern said, I want to be known as someone who survived and thrived.