Does Walmart Take Apple Pay? Here’s The Answer

Do you know if Walmart accepts Apple Pay? Apple Pay hasn’t been accepted by every store, but it does have support from some big names. Does Walmart take Apple Pay? We have the answer to this question, and we’ll also tell you about other stores that accept Apple Pay so you can decide which one to visit next time you want to make a purchase using your iPhone or Apple Watch!
What is Apple Pay?
Apple Pay is an easy and secure way to use your iPhone or Apple To pay without any wallet or cash. You can quickly make a purchase using just your device, by holding it close to the contactless reader with your finger on Touch ID. For Walmart to accept payments from Apple Pay, they need compatible equipment that includes terminals capable of accepting NFC (Near Field Communication) signals. It appears Walmart has not yet invested in these capabilities, so we are sorry to say you cannot use Apple Pay at Walmart.
Does Walmart Take Apple Pay?
We know that you’re wondering what credit cards and payment options Walmart accepts. As of now, they accept all major credit cards, debit cards, prepaid cards with a Visa or MasterCard logo, and Apple Pay. So you can use your favorite method to check out on your next shopping trip. You’ll need an iPhone 6, iPhone SE, iPhone 7, or newer device with an iOS 11 operating system.
Your phone needs to be unlocked and not passcode-protected for it to work properly. You’ll also need to have an active card in Wallet for verification purposes. If you don’t have one yet, there’s no time like the present!
Which payment methods does Walmart accept?
Walmart currently only accepts one payment method: credit cards. As of this writing, they accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover. Given their long history as a brick-and-mortar business, it is unlikely that you will be able to pay with PayPal or any other online payment service in stores anytime soon.
PayPal has been trying to make inroads into brick-and-mortar businesses like Walmart for some time, but so far there are only a few dozen locations where you can use PayPal in-store. If you want to pay with PayPal at Walmart, your best bet is to order something online and then pick it up in-store. You can still do that even if you pay with another form of payment.
Which stores support Apple Pay
Some stores don’t support credit cards with EMV chips, and others won’t take certain card brands. The fact that Walmart is one of the few merchants that does take this form of payment may surprise you. You can also add a MasterCard or Visa debit card or use your bank account information to pay using Apple Pay. The retailer even has its app where customers can check in on their orders and earn points for shopping at select departments like the bakery or deli. In addition, these purchases are charged as a grocery purchase when they’re added to your receipt so you’ll get 5% off any order that totals $100+.
The Advantages of Apple Pay and Other Contactless Payment Methods
Contactless payment methods, like Apple Pay, are changing how we pay for our goods. No longer do you need to dig in your wallet or even reach into your back pocket to pull out your card and swipe it – a simple wave of your iPhone or watch is all it takes. And these methods are widely accepted at retail establishments around the country.
How to Use Walmart Pay
Walmart Pay is a fast, easy and convenient way to pay for your in-store purchases without having to use your debit or credit card. As long as you have a compatible phone and set up a Walmart Pay account, you’ll be able to start scanning and paying for items in-store with just one tap. If you have an iPhone 6, iPhone SE, iPhone 7, or newer with the latest operating system, then it’s incredibly easy to set up Walmart Pay on your device.
Additional Details
If you’re an iPhone or iPad user and prefer to use your device for contactless payments, then you might want to find out if Walmart accepts this type of payment. Remember that all retailers are in charge of deciding whether they will offer contactless payments and no one has a definitive answer on whether or not Apple Pay is accepted by Walmart. It seems unlikely that Walmart would support this type of mobile wallet since it would be competing with its apps, but as of now, it’s still up in the air.